Redfern Station Upgrades for Better Accessibility in Progress

Redfern Station
Photo Credit: Trasport for NSW

Upgrades are in progress at the Redfern Station, one of New South Wales’ busiest transport hubs, to improve accessibility and enhance commuters’ experience. 

Per Transport for NSW, the upgrades will include the addition of a six-metre concourse at the southern section to connect to the east and west sides of the train station. This path will be on Lawson Street, stretching between Little Eveleigh and Main Streets.

Access for people with a disability, limited mobility, parents/carers with prams and customers with luggage will be improved as well with the addition of new lifts and stairs. The existing lift currently serves just two platforms but this project will provide easy access to all 10 platforms once finished.

Photo Credit: Transport for NSW

“The upgrade will not only mean easier access to the sixth busiest station on the network, but it will also future-proof Redfern station as the area grows,”  Transport Minister Andrew Constance said. “The upgrade will also include new and improved shared zones on Little Eveleigh and Marian Streets, and increased bike parking.”

This $100 million project, funded by the NSW’s transport access program, took more than 18 months of planning with an expected completion date for 2022. It will ensure that the Redfern station will be able to handle more passengers and comply with the accessibility standards. 

The construction, excavation, installation of necessary materials and equipment will impact traffic and pedestrian access. For concerns about this project, phone 1800 684 490. 

Redfern Station stands near Tech Central, Sydney’s Silicon Valley.