Plans for the renewal of the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct remain up in the air due to issues raised by various stakeholders.
Planning NSW and Transport NSW proposed rezoning the sub-precincts in North Eveleigh but the City of Sydney and Shelter NSW raised concerns over the lack of social and affordable housing in the masterplan despite strong demand for these facilities.
In a statement, Shelter NSW understands that the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct development is meant to support the establishment of Central Sydney’s ambitious plans for Tech Central. However, a lot remains at stake in this major project that will impact residents, students, workers and businesses.
“The proposed development is on NSW public land; in a suburb, local government area (LGA) and community with a strong tradition of providing low-cost housing to people who need it,” Shelter NSW said. “It is home to a long-standing and resilient Aboriginal community. As such, we believe the NSW Government has the responsibility and opportunity to build an exemplary community – one where people from all walks of life, cultures, ages and incomes can prosper; living in well-built and designed homes, buildings and public spaces.”

On the other hand, the City of Sydney said that housing availability must comprise 25 per cent of the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct Renewal. However, the masterplan shows only 15 per cent of affordable housing.
The City of Sydney also raised issues with the plans for Tech Central, dubbed Australia’s biggest technological district that will deliver 16,000 jobs, as this will entail major changes in the district’s infrastructure, public spaces and heritage landmarks amidst the construction of the skyscrapers.
“The streets, blocks and buildings replicate the obvious mistakes of Barangaroo South, without the drawcard benefit of the foreshore promenade. The streets are too narrow, connections from the surrounding streets and spaces are narrow, steep and not legible and only one clear east-west connection is provided,” the Council cited in its submission to the proposal.
The Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct Renewal and the Central Precinct Renewal with Tech Central comprise about 34 hectares of Sydney.
Published 26 January 2023